Introduction - My Name is...

Hello, my name is Ceasar de la O and I am currently studying for an Associates for transfer degree in English. Storytelling has always been a point of obsession for me, from film to novels and is one of the central reasons I'm seeking this degree. Writing has always been an outlet for me to properly and fully express my thoughts. I've been told I'm a decent enough public speaker by friends, family, fellow students and past Professors, yet honestly I feel I've never been able to eloquently present or verbalize an idea to the degree I'd like in speech. This may be a bit of my own public speaking insecurities seeping through, but I suppose that's why I gravitate to writing and reading so much. When I write there's no barrier in maneuvering the puzzle pieces, fitting the words eloquently while presenting ideas and thoughts far more effectively than my ability to verbalize. After transferring I intend on earning higher level literature degrees while also minoring in film; ultimately leading to teaching, writing novels, plays, comic books and film scripts. I'd like to direct a film at one point as well. Needless to say, I've got many goals and aspirations I'd like to attain in the coming years.

Being an individual who cherishes the various forms of storytelling I've seen an assortment of films and read many novels. Of recent I've greatly enjoyed the films Lady Bird, The Shape of Water, A Ghost Story and Blade Runner 2049. The Shape of Water directed by Guillermo Del Toro is a film in particular I connected with. I'd be lying in not acknowledging the pride of seeing a fellow Mexican artist in Del Toro creating such stellar work. It's certainly inspiring from the perspective of a Mexican American seeking to create impactful art of his own. I'm also currently reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace(my first read through), and it's a literary monster. It's a daunting read but I'm working my way through little by little. Over the break I also re-read High Fidelity by Nick Hornby. It's a comfort novel of mine that I've read countless times. It's a quick, breezy read that eases me after a stressful semester or period of work. Hopefully this blog provided an introduction and peek into my aspirations/recent films/novels I've recently enjoyed.


  1. Hi Ceasar! Welcome to the course! I'm so happy to have such an avid writer join us to discuss literature from around the world and across the centuries! I also love movies, but just watching them. I don't want to ruin the mystery by learning how they're made :-). Infinite Jest is a tough one! Good for you for tacking it. And I love Hi Fidelity. It IS exciting to see more Latino filmmakers and writers crack the ceiling. We need everyone's vision, everyone's imagination! Del Toro is a fascinating filmmaker.

    I look forward to working with you this semester!

  2. Hey Ceasar! I'm also an English major and by the end of this semester I should have my associates for transfer at SFSU but hey good luck to you! I hope you achieve your goal and maybe one day direct your own film. I love movies. I can watch them all day and everyday. I've also recently watched Lady Bird but I heard The Shape of Water was pretty good too. Anyways, good luck to pursuing and achieving your goals Ceasar!

  3. Hello Ceasar! I am also an English Major and am hoping to transfer to Sonoma State in the Fall! I'm happy we have something in common, I love film! I wonder what your favorite style is? Seem's to be more indie and off the beaten path based on your movie choices that you have listed but I wonder what other styles you find interesting besides the latest? Look forward to reading more about your thoughts in the class!

    1. Congratulations on your upcoming transfer! I love all film styles and genre. Indies have certainly been a recent highlight, though (especially A24's recent output). Of the last few years I've delved into many foreign films from the Criterion Collection (for a hefty price!). But, honestly, I'll watch anything! Both old and new, ranging from blockbusters/comedy/drama/horror or indie. Thanks for the comment!

  4. Hello Caesar! its awesome to know that you are also interested in film and possibly want to direct someday. I'm interested to know which is your favorite movie of all time? Mine is whiplash because of how it illustrates the difference bewteen passion and obsession. It shows that obsession can make us into huge stars and lead us into fame but it can damage our soul by causing us to neglect other areas of our lives such as being loving to our family and friends.

    1. Whiplash is great! Damien Chazelle is one of my new favorite filmmakers. That final drum solo in the final performance is out of this world. It's difficult to narrow my favorite movie of all time for down. Too many options! John Carpenter's Halloween and Richard Linklater's Dazed and Confused are two films I watched as a kid that led me to my film obsession, though. Honestly, anything directed by Linklater!

    2. Damien Chazelle is one of my favorite filmmakers too along with Ryan Coogler because he produced two of my other favorite films Fruitvale Station and Creed. I haven't seen the first Halloween and Linklater's films but I've heard they are fantastic. I'll definitely check them out once i get more time to watch movies again. I had this dream that I'd probably critique films but now my passions have completely changed towards sports and overall success in life. Plus, I've become to not take critics that super seriously because Rotten tomatoes for instance have a poor format in critiquing films in my opinion. They should eventually remove the scoring system and instead have people read their spoiler free reviews in order to go see the films. Plus, I think the embargo for the reviews from the critics should be revealed two weeks after the film has been launched so that people's judgement wouldn't be impaired by other people's opinions.

  5. Hey Caesar! Wow, I loved reading your introduction! You seem very passionate and motivated about your education and your educational goals! Good luck achieving all that! That's just amazing! I'll be looking out for your film in the future! I, too, am an English major. I'm not sure exactly what or where I want to go with my degree. I feel there's so much I'd like to do, just like yourself, and sometimes I get overwhelmed with excitement at all the things we can achieve and do! I'd love to write a book and have it published and sold in bookstores! I'm also a hair stylist, and have been playing at the idea of writing a book relating to being a hair stylist. Not sure if it'd ever get published - but hey, a girl can dream, right?! Good luck this semester and with your plans to get all your degrees and with writing and all!

  6. Nice to meet you, Ceasar. Writing is super enjoyable, and very handy as a tool for sorting out any thoughts that are bothering you. And you probably are just being a bit insecure about your ability to give speeches/present, but so is everyone. Remember everyone is probably more nervous than you might be and you'll do great!

  7. Hello Ceasar. You are an amazing writer. I so enjoyed reading your introduction. After reading a few of your blog post, I want to assure you that you will do extremely well in your pursuit in majoring in English. I am the opposite, I am quite comfortable in speaking, I love encouraging people through the art of Storytelling, yet I am insecure in my writing abilities. I always feel that I come up short in regards to eloquently being able to express my thoughts. You are going to do great.

  8. Hello Ceasar!
    I'm very impressed by your ambitions. Its really nice to hear that people think that you are an amazing public speaker. Don't sell your abilities short! I have to admit that I don't think that I'm a very good public speaker and I would dread the days where I have to give presentations in class as I always feel a little nervous when talking to a classroom full of people. I also do find that writing may be a little less nerve wrecking because its just you and the text and you always have time to adjust your writing . Although I would say that I do run into writer's block quite a bit. I wish you luck in your adventures and can't wait to read more of your blog posts!

  9. Hey Cesar

    I share your enjoyment for movies and one I recently seen was Blade Runner 2049. This movie literally was so long but the whole time it kept me intrigued and on the edge of my seat. When people display imagery from their belief of how the future will look is truly beautiful even though I don't agree with all that fake android human stuff it was a great movie. Other than that I enjoyed you in depth love of movies and respect for your culture. Keep the great post up good luck this semester.

  10. Greeting Ceasar!
    I believe you and I had a online class together last semester. Your posts on the discussions were always something I looked forward to reading. I am very impressed with your goals and have no doubt you will reach them. Good luck this semester! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  11. Hi Caesar! I absolutely enjoyed reading your introduction! It is great to see you so passionate about your dreams and aspirations. It was interesting to read about the films you watched and the novels you read. I need to check some of these books and films out. I wish you luck on your future endeavors! You are an amazing writer, might I add. It is nice to meet you!

  12. greetings Caesar
    It seems you have a lot you want to do after you get your degree which like you have a solid idea of what you want to get out of college. I also like your choice of films they are good, I also find myself watching things most of my friends and family do not watch based on it artist side.


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