Technology - Tools of the Trade

The technology we'll be using during this course is vast and I can imagine intimidating to some. Luckily, I don't feel that way. I've taken online courses before and have gotten a hang of traversing multiple sites and technologies to the point it's become second hand nature. I've come to enjoy working with these varying technologies, broadening my online horizons. I'm especially looking forward to the blogging aspect as I've dabbled in blogging before, and look forward to work through ideas/thoughts in a more thorough basis. Creating a website is an aspect that intrigues me the most in terms of avenues I've never traveled before. The process will be a crucial learning lesson for me. I imagine this semesters creation wont be my only website in life, and am eager to learn the ropes in a basic site builder.

The class wiki is also a first for me, but already I'm enjoying the ease of use. Ms. H mentions in her introduction video/post of being worried in a potentially overwhelming us classmates with the huge wall of texts, but it actually had the opposite effect; well for me at least. I'm rather have huge wall of texts informing me of every minute detail rather then being miserably misinformed of the many aspects of this course. Essentially everything is spelled out for us in terms of expectation and I can truly appreciate that.


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