Time Strategies - In Good Shape

This semester I'm in a completely manageable position with regards to time. I'm not a full time student this semester and have a lot of time to work with between the courses I'm taking/work. Previous semesters I've taken online courses and have become extremely familiar with the format. Having dealt with squeezes in time within previous semesters I've learned to ration time for activities and effectiveness. In particular last semester was fairly hectic, so the working ahead/firmly set schedule for this course will dictate a far less stressful environment for getting things done. Working ahead is an option I intend on taking advantage of the most, especially in regards to the reading. There will be moments of time crunching, but based on previous extreme time management experiences I'm far better suited to better weigh and properly act on these moments.

Experience in previous semesters has also allowed me to develop the ability to properly sparse time and most importantly not waste a moment to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Personally, I've learned proper rest and not wasting a moment on frivolous, attention draining distractions along with setting/sticking to a schedule creates the perfect elements for my own time management. I plan on continuing these practices, along with bettering their in use functionality.


  1. Hi Caesar, it is great how your past experiences have helped you learn and develop strategies that work for you. I like the method you give about resting and not wasting time which are extremely essential in getting work done. I used to think that working long hours straight was best, but I realized that it is counterproductive and is actually worse than taking the time to have small breaks and resume working afterwards. Distractions are the worst, especially when those brief chunks of time accumulate and you know that it could have been spent doing something more productive.Overall good post and thank you for sharing some time management tips.


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