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  1. Hi Ceasar,
    I really liked the way you contrasted the two different types of love directed at Ch’un-hyang in your post. I think you did a nice job of making a clear distinction between the way Master Yi’s feelings towards Ch’un-hyang are full of adoration and care while the governor doesn’t really feel much besides lust for her. However, I do wish this difference was shown a bit better, I noticed you have your paragraph on the governor set up for a quote and adding one in will definitely be beneficial to backing up your claims. I think you chose a really great topic to discuss, especially since the character of Ch’un-hyang can be seen as a very strong female figure, but I think providing a little more direction in your analysis would help to better get your point across. For example, you describe her as a “symbol of love, perseverance and self-worth,” but focus mainly on how her character is a symbol of love without really explaining how her struggles represent perseverance and self-worth. It might be helpful to focus on how her experience and mindset regarding love are what help her become strong and find her own self-worth. Otherwise, good post, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the story.

  2. Hey Caesar, I enjoyed your essay as it began with an incredibly strong intro. The reason it was strong because you made it apply to real world social issues and you also provide a bit of context that how women were treated in society as they were seen as objects rather than human beings. You also structured a thesis statement that connects to the context so basically the context you provide is a good way to lead your reader into the overall argument you want to make about the topic. I also loved the direction you went with by setting up the reader that they're going to see how Ch'un Hyang's character encapsulates the traits of a 3 dimensional character through the perspectives of Master Yi and the governor. You did a decent job in explaining Master Yi's perspective and were also able to prove it with the right quotation from the text. Then I also found it fascinating that you made a point that the governors's perspective is in a way symbolizes the problematic perspective society has on women as the governor views Chun-Hyang as an object of lust. The other positive is that you have a strong conclusion as you reword your thesis from your intro were still able to make a statement that ch'un-hyang is a character that embodies the traits of a human being which proves that women are not just 2d objects.

  3. Hi Ceasar
    I enjoyed that you pretty much laid out the main point that you were going to talk about in each of the paragraphs because it got me ready for what the topic you are about discuss and what I was about to be thinking about. I think you had a great contextual evidence and you did a great job incorporating the literature and quotes from it into your project that made it flow very well together. I really enjoyed the support for your evidence because it goes in depth and show there was a lot of thought behind picking your evidence to use. I also like how you formatted your project it made it easy to read and follow. Your project also answers your main question pretty good I think. I could not really find anything wrong or you needed to fix. Overall, you did an excellent job on the first project! I enjoyed reading it.


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