Topic Brainstorm - Ideas Are Flowing...

1 of 4: Option 2

The representation given to different groups of people ranging from race to gender has always been an element of storytelling that's intrigued me. Sifting through an authors descriptions or dissecting an arc given to these characters can reveal much and is an aspect of analysis that allows for a more keen focus. So focusing solidly on a female character as offered in the prompt for the second option is an option that jumps out at me. Many of my life experiences has centered around strong-willed woman teaching/raising me. Quite frankly, these women are some of the most badass people I've had the pleasure to be around. This option would allow me to grasp some historical context, through literature, of different depictions of women through the lens of other writers.

2 of 4: Option 1

One of the broader options is the first given on the prompt. This option requires us to write about two literary pieces, comparing and contrasting an element. This comparison can range from theme, character or literary devices. This option is ripe with opportunities for analysis. In particular dissecting theme is an avenue that springs option. I'm very capable of such, as last semester I explored the theme of following ones purpose through the guise of faith-based Dharma by comparing the varying depictions in works The Bhagavid Gita and Ramayana. I have experience in comparing elements between two works and looks forward to possibly doing this again.

3 of 4: Option 8

This option, which requires us to relate a theme of a reading to our own life has plenty of potential. I'd argue, that relating a literary piece to your life brings about an easy assess point into personal complexity. This opening allows for a deeper analysis into your own consciousness as well as the mind state of the author. All of these project options allow for a point of greater understanding and growth, but this option allows an overt reason for reflection and potential personal growth. Exploring connected themes of literature and personal experience honestly sounds like a blast and is vertainly an option I'm eyeing.

4 of 4: Option 9

The final option can be viewed as the most daunting, yet also the most exciting. I imagine if I decide to move forward with this prompt, it'll be as my final major project for easily understandable reasons. As an individual who would like to teach at one point, hypothetically creating the curriculum of reading for a semester sounds awesome. I'd weigh all of the options and aim for a diverse palette. Obviously, going for diversity can sound pretty vague, but honing on shifting perspective throughout the centuries regarding women, race, sexual preference etc would be a focus. This prompt requires finite attention that would make us weigh every decision and their purpose. This option is a front runner, and I feel like I can bring a wide spectrum when trying to encompass such a variety of topics into a singular set of 5 readings.


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