Week 4 Project Planning - Approaching the first draft...

Working Thesis (sloppy, stream of consciousness version of thesis; will tighter and clean up for submission): In The Song of Ch'un-Hyang, title character, Ch'un-Hyang, is many things to many people; a feminist icon to readers, love/lover in both the positive and negative connotation of the word to husband Master Yi and new governor Pyon; as well as a blooming flower in the concrete to herself.

When describing the feminist features of the character Ch'un Hyang I'll specifically zone in on her taking a stand against committing acts that goes against her own moral compass/code. I will also regard the symbol of strength she's become for many women who've read this piece. Examples of such will be given as well as context for how women were viewed during this time in Korea. I'll also give outside perspective of my own, detailing how a man views this character as a strong feminist representation.

When viewing Ch'un'Hyang through the eyes of her husband Master Yi and newly awarded governor Pyon, I'll compare the opposite spectrum of love each views Hyang as. Master Yi viewing Hyang as his light and providing evidence of imagery/metaphor in the work itself to prove this fact. While obvious in intent, I'll also provide evidence of imagery to displays how Governor Pyron only views Hyang as a lover and tool for lust. The juxtaposition between each of there perspectives regarding the love Ch'un Hyan provides is ripe for analysis.

Conclusion spit-balling: All of these aspects are what makes this story/song universal. It covers a wide spectrum of expectation, love and feminist qualities that provide a multitude of options to resonate with. The character Ch'un-Hyang in terms dissection represents is many things to many people, characters and theme, but the some of parts in it's totality provides a tapestry of perspective; providing an overwhelming beacon. This character successfully shines a light on all of these aspects, in unison.


  1. Hey Ceasar! Wow, it seems like you really know what you want to specifically include in your project. Ch'un-Hyang is a perfect female character that holds a strong feminist role and takes a stand against the governor. I like that you are planning on providing evidence of imagery to show how the governor only viewed Ch'un-Hyang as an object rather than an actual human being. Do you know how and what you are going to do to provide that kind of evidence? Sounds like a good idea though. It is a good way to provide Ch'un-Hyang's husband and the governor's views on Ch'un-Hyang and how they compare and contrast. I think there's not many similarities the two share on viewing Ch'un-Hyang, but you can definitely describe the opposite views they each have on Hyang. I look forward on reading your project analysis. It looks like you have a clear mindset on what you want to add in your project. Good luck on finding everything you need!


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