Growth Mindset W14: Info-graphic Analysis

The Graphic I chose to analyze this week from the various available within the growth mindset programs is "What causes creativity". This graphic lists 10 aspects that help promote creativity within any individual.  

One thing confirmed from that graphic that I've practiced in my own life when trying to remain creative is Humility. On this graphic this step is listed number three and provides the following description: "Humility: knowing you don't know everything". Personally, I both agree and practice this ideal. In order to grow in any facet of life we must be willing to learn, and doing so requires us to admit that we don't know everything. A failure to do so results in arrogance and can hinder growth from a personal and creative stature. No step from this graphic is really new to me, as I've previously acknowledged each of these steps to one degree or another regarding expressing a creative mind-state. Regardless, it's nice to have a reminder of these aspects all in one place; providing a means to enable these steps if ever in a creative funk or momentary, mental lapse.


  1. Hi there, Caesar! Wow, what an interesting photo! I love how straight to the point it is. I feel it makes it easier to understand. However, I think it also helped me having your in-depth review of it! I like your point of having a mixture of those things in order to understand. I think also accepting failure is key. I agree, it's a definite nice reminder!


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