Comment Wall - Project 3


  1. Hi Ceasar, first off I have to say I enjoyed reading your project. The wording and writing style that you chose is truly amazing. Your introduction paragraph is very strong and your thesis is precise and clear as to what your project will be addressing. You chose two authors that have great poems and back up your claims with evidence from the texts. I liked how you thoroughly explain the quotes and expand on the themes of both readings. I especially like your fourth paragraph in which you clearly explain the differences between Shelley's work and Dickinson's work, saying that Shelley's is more straightforward while Dickinson's is more abstract. One thing that I do suggest to work on is rewording some parts a bit, I noticed in your first paragraph there is one sentence that could be made a little more clear, it starts with "The wild randomness of life can be both...". However, everything else is great and you did a brilliant job with this project. Great work.

  2. Hi Ceasar. Your first draft of your final project is off to a great start. I really liked the way you've written it and really enjoyed reading it. You have great quotes that you used and they're worked into your project nicely; it helps you back up what you're saying. When I read Emily Dickinson's poems, I liked a lot of them and had similar thoughts as you did. It's also very interesting to see how others view her writing and to see how others interpret her poems. If there was anything to "critique" about your project, maybe to break up your paragraphs...but that's very minor (sometimes I get a little overwhelmed when I see long paragraphs, but that's with anyones writing I read!). Otherwise, I think your off to a great start with your project. Good luck for the last week of class!

  3. hi Ceasar
    I enjoyed that you pretty much laid out the main point that you were going to talk about in each of the paragraphs because it got me ready for what the topic you are about discuss and what I was about to be thinking about. I think you had a great contextual evidence and you did a great job incorporating the literature and quotes from it into your project that made it flow very well together. I also like how you formatted your project it made it easy to read and follow. Your project also answers your main question pretty good I think. I could not really find anything wrong with your third project since you have had a lot of practices writing in this class. You did an excellent job I enjoyed reading your project you have grown a lot from your first project to last keep up the good work.

  4. Hey Ceasar,
    Great job with your final project submission. I thought your introduction was great, and it laid out a nice map as to what you were going to be talking about. In addition, I had no trouble finding your thesis statement at the end. The quotes that you provided in your project were also spot on with what you were talking about and claims you were making. It also flowed very well from beginning to end, it was very well organized. I enjoyed reading your project and thought you did an excellent job!


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