Growth Mindset W15: Words

The graphic above was picked from a selection provided by Laura Gibbs, which expound on another aspect of the Growth Mindset strategy. This graphic focuses specifically on the language an individual must carefully choose, that'll promote the ideals of Growth Mindset. This graphic proceeds to take commonly used phrases or words that stunt growth and change them into phrases that promote personal evolution. The supposed "fixed mindset" works on both spectrum's of overt negativity and gratuitous self-congratulations. The growth mindset phrasing allows an outlook of growth when struggling, as well as acknowledgement of hard work when thriving as opposed to blind praise. One aspect this graphic confirmed for me was to continue establishing an outlook that leans more towards helping oneself towards a goal, as opposed to focusing on why you haven't reached the finish line yet. This is encapsulated in the first example which transforms "I'm not good at this" held within the fixed mindset and turns the phrasing to "What am I missing?" held with growth mindset. This simple rephrasing of words demonstrates the power of selective phrasing which leads on a healthier path towards accomplishment. This graphic didn't really teach me anything new in terms of mind-state, but did provide examples of healthier language to use not only for myself, but to teach my younger siblings to enact. Overall, this was another graphic from Laura Gibbs that reinforced aspects of Growth Mindset that I truly believe elevates.


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