Reading Notes W16: Allende, Part X

"One of the best known contemporary Latin American writers, the Chilean novelist Isabel Allende brought the tradition of magic realism to bear on women's experience. . . Allende has portrayed women's spiritual lives in the context of the political world of her childhood and youth, adding a dimension to magic realism while bringing her a wide international audience" (1123-24). Another prominent writer of Latin descent whose work centered around the styling of magic realism. This genre continues to have a presence as  this semester screeches toward sit end point. Honestly sounds like a tremendous genre to give a stab at myself. Allende used this genre to talk about the female experience and politics. Another theme that has run threw the many readers we've encountered this semester,

"The House of  the Spirits' . . This novel chronicles the experiences of a South American family haunted by spirits and torn by political events over several decades of the twentieth century. The subjects and style drew comparisons to the magic realism of Garcia Marquez, whom Allende described as 'the great writer of the century'" (1224). Interesting premise for a first novel that evolved from letters written to her grandfather. I can imagine the many paths and avenues Allende took this novel. Working with multi-generations and various lived in experiences to lean into the fantastical aspects of her work. It would be interesting to check out this novel modern day and see first hand the problems of the time and how they may still be incredibly relevant to today's society in the United States.

"The story presented here, "And of Clay Are We Created" (1989), belongs to a stage of her career in which Allende chose a more direct, less magic, realism. The title refers to the proverb "we are all made of the same clay," which in turn refers to biblical passages. . . in which humans are said to be created of clay or earth" (1224). It's intriguing that an artist who thrived with a more abstract base of expression, has a work featured in this anthology that comes from a more direct variety. Interesting leaning towards these quotes and passages from the bible. Gives an easy path into the themes of this work and where it may be going.


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