Weekly Review W16: Second to Last Week

This is the end of the second to last week of instruction. It's featured some interesting readings and handing in our final big project. I'm fairly content with my first draft of my final project with acknowledgment that it does need some work on a grammatical level. Luckily, we have two drafts left to complete. This gives us students the time to completely hone in and fine tune these various aspects to make our work the best it can be once we cross the finish line. The reading this week that I most enjoyed comes from Kenzaburo. I always seem to cling to Japanese writers and their perspectives give me much intuition into an area of  the world I'd like to most visit. I can gather a fin appreciation for an artist who uses actual experiences to then expound into the world of fiction. The best pieces of fiction for me, delve into an aspect of reality that the author has experienced themselves. Kenzaburo does this with the work we read, "The Clever Rain Tree". He delves into mental illness and issue that plague many historically and it features personally during his own lifetime.

Elsewhere biology is winding down with a major presentation due next week. I'm not anywhere close to finishing up or honing down what my group and I will be discussing, but hey, diamonds are made under pressure. It'll be nerve-racking as the presentation draws near, but I'm sure it'll be just fine. Also in bio, the final lecture before finals next week are under way. We've already received our final study guide and essay questions to complete. This next week is all about finishing final work and really ramping up studying for finals. The same goes for my Chicano Film Appreciation course. Overall, the end of the 2018 spring semester is upon us and things are going fairly well.


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