Feedback Thoughts - The Importance of Honesty...

Feedback can be many things to many people. The anxieties associated with receiving feedback are well documented. It isn't always our favorite thing, but indeed a necessity. From work to school and beyond, the most important aspect of any feedback given is honesty. It's what I cherish most in peer revision based situations, and is noticeably missing in a lot of experiences I've encountered. How would I know this? Based on the sheer lack of feedback I've gotten at times. Certainly, these folks have had some inkling or idea in regards to me developing a better essay or project. I would imagine a lot hesitation in giving honest feedback revolves in not wanting to ruffle feathers; which is understandable! We don't want to potentially hurt someones feelings or have our own hurt, but it's possible to give honest, respectful feedback, while also being polite in the process. It's all about delivery and acknowledging the good; right along with the aspects that can be worked on.

Perhaps, the biggest aspect of receiving feedback is checking our ego's at the door. That's one of the best lessons I've received. Understanding that all writing can be improved, and anyone who's willing to respectfully help you through feedback is providing a service that is truly invaluable. I look forward to my fellow classmates helping me improve in every aspect as a writer, because that's what we're all here for. To broaden our horizons as people, learn and better ourselves.


  1. Hello Ceasar!
    I know that its easy to have anxiety to receive feedback from an instructor or your peers, but I do definitely feel more anxiety when giving feedback as I do not have many experience giving feedback to other people. I do agree with your thought on how I do not really want to hurt anybody's feelings as I do not to have anyone to hurt my feelings or pride. I do believe that we should keep our ego in check and that we should be honest when giving feedback and not lie to anybody, otherwise we wouldn't be helping them grow.

  2. Hi Caeser! Wow, what a great way to sum it up. It truly is hard to receive criticism but I agree, it's essential for us to grow as human beings and as scholars. It's true, it's easy to avoid any confrontation by just telling people what they want to hear, but sometimes it's better to be bigger and speak the truth (as long as it's not told with hostility). This reminded me of when I was directing a scene for one of my classes the other day, and I apologized for being critical (because it's so easy to feel bad), but one of my performers told me "Don't apologize! I'd rather you told me what I could do to get better rather than you telling me I look great when I look like an idiot!" Hahaha, she was brutally honest, but it was really the truth.


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