Topic Research - Cross Referencing

When weighing the readings we've engaged with thus far, The Song of Ch'un-Hyang me most. This reading provides many pieces to complete the second option of our project topics. The second option requires us readers/writers to choose a female character (in this case Ch'un-Hyang), and analyze their characterization from varying perspectives. Analysis would range from our own personal perspective, as well as from the authors, 2 characters, and herself. Viewing through such a wide spectrum scope will allow for all facets of discussion. What most attracts me is delving into Hyang's own self worth. I believe there is an evolution throughout her story; specifically in torture, that enables her to fight on in the face of death.

From the authors perspective, the original writer is unknown. For this section I'd gather research, sifting through women representation of the time as well as Confucian belief that runs with Hyang's actions. In doing some research on our services provided by our library account at LMC (Bloom's, EBSCO), no substantial sources were found aside from reviews of various interpretations of the story IE. film, opera, plays. I found some useful information on Wikipedia, but will have to cross reference this information before comfortably using as a source. Widening my search from focusing on information solely analyzing the short story, and opening to the p'ansori narrative drama/song it's based on seems to provide a bigger wealth sources to draw from. I've got quite a bit of information to cross reference since I usually rely on scholarly sources, but plenty to work with thus far.


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