Take Stock W13

This week while taking stock I actually backed-up two weekly analysis posts that I'm particularly proud of. Keeping work is something that I've done since returning to schooling a year and a half ago, and provides great documentation for my growth as a writer. The two pieces that I saved to my laptop are my analysis of  Anna Laetitia Barbauld's "To a Little Invisible Being Who Is Expected Soon to Become Visible" and "The Song of Ch'un-Hyang". These two blog posts were happily added to my collections of works. I've also checked up on my declarations and find everything in order. Sometimes I forget to declare my work after doing them, but luckily haven't missed a deadline for what I've done. The last few announcements seem to be gearing us up for final stretch of the semester, along with normal reminders for blog comments and the like. My brief taking of stock was informative, providing a reminder for the tasks still needed to accomplish and the looming end of this semester. It also reminded me to save a couple of blog posts that I've been meaning to add to my personal files.


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