Week 14 Project Action Plan - Redux

Compare and contrast elements of two different texts. For example, explore the similarities and differences between two characters in the texst, or examine how one theme is handled in similar and dissimilar ways in two different texts. 

You may choose from any of the readings we have done this semester including poetry, short fiction, and drama. You may also choose two texts from two different genres to write about (a poem and a short story, for example). 

I've decided to choose prompt one for my final project (finishing what I started). This prompt requires us to choose two readings and explore similarities/differences between them in regards to theme/literary devices etc. I've decided to discuss the following two poems which focus on the relationship between humanity and nature: "1593" by Emily Dickinson and "Stanzas Written in Dejection" by Percy Bysshe Shelley. It's interesting to note while these two poems focus on nature (and evoking imagery through metaphor and other literary devices), they more-so use the subject of nature to delve into humanity. These poems revolve around human's interaction with nature; displaying how they both resemble and do not resemble each other. "1593" by Emily Dickinson discusses the circumstances surrounding a chaotic storm, and how humans interact with such chaos. Dickinson seems to acknowledge the frailty of humans against such natural power, and how regardless of what happens to us, nature continues on.

"Stanzas Written in Dejection" by Percy Bysshe Shelley discusses nature as well, but from a peaceful standpoint. A majority of the poem describes the beauty surrounding an individual, from the beautiful skies, water and beach around. It turns out the beauty of nature surrounding the narrator doesn't represent the turmoil within. The narrator is struggling within and the rest of the poem discusses the lack of correlation between the narrator and his feelings inside. These two poems use the subject of nature as a jumping point to discuss humanities relationship to both, from a physical and mental standpoint.

Working Thesis: While I enjoy both poems immensely, when comparing natures connection to humanity in both "1593" by Emily Dickinson and "Stanzas Written in Dejection" by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Shelley more effectively display’s this relationship through imagery/metaphor and juxtaposition.


  1. Hi Caesar, I like the topic that you are choosing for your final project because i want to see how you explore the relationship between humanity and nature. I honestly don't remember the texts that you've chosen for this topic but if both of them do focus alot on nature and humanity then you should definitely use them. I'm not sure about your thesis because i think a thesis should be about what your perception is that the author is trying to convey in his story. I don't think a thesis should be based on proving what literary devices he or she is using. Literary devices are examined to show how they support your argument of what idea or theme the author is trying to demonstrate in their story. But i think you are on the right track with what you want to do with your essay. I wish you the best!

  2. Hi Ceasar, you have made a great action plan and I really liked the prompt you chose and how you are comparing Dickinson and Shelley. Their poems are amazing and like you said 1593 and Stanzas Written in Dejection have quite a bit in common in terms of the imagery and incorporation of nature. You are right that they use these devices to explain more about humanity, and we very complex beings, but they manage to explain us very well. Your working thesis is good but I feel it needs some fixing, I understand where you are going with it but try making it more focused as to how or why Shelley's writing is better. Try to be a little more specific as how his is better, and maybe rewording the thesis a bit, though this is just my point of view. Besides that your plan is very good and you know what you will be addressing. Good luck on your project and I am looking forward to reading it.

  3. Hi Ceasar!
    I am looking forward to reading your project submission. These are two great poems to compare because they both share the same theme of nature. I liked reading your plan, I see that you have a very good understanding of each poem so that will help you with your project submission. I am glad you chose to address this prompt. Looking forward to reading your submission!


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