Weekly Review W14: Another Mid-term in the Books

This weeks reading was interesting with my favorite being the writings of Leopold Sedar Senghor. Within our anthology we are provided several poems from throughout his long career as a writer (he lived 95 years! If only I'm so lucky to live that long..), and all of his writing featured emphasis on his created movement "Negritude". It's always inspiring reading about individuals who not only created fantastic art, but elevated the people around them to express themselves because of movements such as "Negritude". "Night in Sine" was my favorite of the provided poems and the work I chose to write my analysis on. I enjoyed writing my analysis, although my favorite personal piece of writing I've written this week once again comes from my Chicano Cinema Appreciation course. This week we watched the film "Mi Familia" directed by Gregory Nava and am particularity proud of my 4 page review. Our orders was to review analysis the film from the perspective of an article written by Elliott Grove entitled "!0 Common Elements of Award Winning Screenplays". In this analysis we went in depth with these 10 elements, pointing them out (if they are) within the body of "Mi Familia". Of course I haven't received my grade just yet for this paper, but I feel my work was pretty strong within this paper and look forward to receiving feedback from my Professor.

This week was another mid-term in Biology and after a few days of studying, I feel as though I did very well. The nerves of taking an exam were still there, but once the test was in hand, confidence filled me and I finished relatively quickly. The grades of this third midterm should be available on canvas early next week and I anticipate seeing the results. Another week has flown by and only 4 remain in what has been an enjoyable, yet challenging semester. Until next time.


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